Analysis T Logo
Date / Time:
11 Feb 04 18:42

Scale Description Potential
for success
3,6 - 4,0 Interest Exceptionel  
3,1 - 3,5 Conservatism Very good  
2,6 - 3,0 Boredom Good  
2,1 - 2,5 Antagonism Fair  
1,5 - 2,0 Anger, Hostility Reduced  
1,1 - 1,4 Covert Hostility Often failure  
0,6 - 1,0 Grief, Fear Mostly Failure  
0,1 - 0,5 Apathy Failure  
      Result 3,6 - 4,0  

The general emotional tone of the applicant determines to a large degree the way he or she sees things and how he or she reacts to others, the work and situations or problems.

The testresult indicates to which emotional reaction the person tends under stress or when the person has to cope with unexpected situations or problems.

Good result range between 2,6 and 4,0 of the scale. A person with a result of 2.0 or below would not be a good choice for a position where creativity and constructivity are required. People repeatedly causing trouble will be found to read below 2.0 of the scale.


Excellent at projects and execution. Fast reaction time (relative to age).

Command over envoronment: High self mastery. Agressive toward environment. Dislikes to control people. High reasoning, volatile emotions.

Actual worth to society compared to apparent worth: High worth. Apparent worth will be realized. Creative and constructive.

Ethic level: Bases ethics on reason. Very high ethic level.

Handling of truth: High concept of truth.

Courage level: High courage level.

Relay of written or spoken communication: Passes positive communication, contributes to it. Cuts negative lines.

Reality (agreement): Search for different viewpoints in order to broaden own reality. Changes reality.

Ability to handle responsibility: Inherent sense of responsibility on all areas of life.

Persistence on a given course: High creative persistence.

Literalness of reception of statements: High differentation. Good understanding of all communication, as modified by education.

Method used to handle others: Gains support by creative enthusiasm and vitality backed by reason.

End of analysis