| | | | |
+ |
m |
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150. |
Do people enjoy being in your company? |
+ |
m |
- |
151. |
Do you usually carry out assignments promptly and systematically? |
+ |
m |
- |
152. |
Do you laugh or smile quite readily? |
+ |
m |
- |
153. |
Do children irritate you? |
+ |
m |
- |
154. |
Can you quietly watch another work, without feeling you must insist on helping when they indicate they would rather do it themselves? |
+ |
m |
- |
155. |
Are you less talkative than your associates? |
+ |
m |
- |
156. |
Are you definite and emphatic in voice and manner? |
+ |
m |
- |
157. |
Do you place too high an importance on your own interests and fields of knowledge in comparison to others? |
+ |
m |
- |
158. |
Do you suspect someone does not like you and criticizes you to others? |
+ |
m |
- |
159. |
Would you assist a fellow traveller rather than leave it to the officials? |
+ |
m |
- |
160. |
Are you cordial only to close friends, if at all? |
+ |
m |
- |
161. |
Do you quickly return to normal rather than being disturbed for a while after seeing a tragic movie or play? |
+ |
m |
- |
162. |
Does some inferiority make you feel sad? |
+ |
m |
- |
163. |
Is it easy for you to relax? |
+ |
m |
- |
164. |
When you “really want to do something do you feel your desires are paramount to all oppositions”? |
+ |
m |
- |
165. |
Do you attempt to “start things in your area”? |
+ |
m |
- |
166. |
Do you feel strongly convinced of the correctness of your opinions when in a controversy, excluding those subjects about which you are an expert? |
+ |
m |
- |
167. |
Do you find it annoying to have any criticism made of you, even though it is justified and from which you could profit? |
+ |
m |
- |
168. |
Having settled an argument, do you continue to feel disgruntled for a while? |
+ |
m |
- |
169. |
Would you stand by and fail to protect some animal from needless suffering? |
+ |
m |
- |
170. |
Do you give a kiss, hug, pat on the back or otherwise manifest pleasure in meeting friends you haven't seen for some time, rather than just being polite? |
+ |
m |
- |
171. |
Do you find it hard to get started on a task that needs to be done? |
+ |
m |
- |
172. |
Is the idea of death, or even reminders of death, abhorrent to you? |
+ |
m |
- |
173. |
Do you sometimes get so frightened or apprehensive that you have physical reactions? |
+ |
m |
- |
174. |
Do you find yourself “going off in all directions at once”? |
+ |
m |
- |
175. |
Could someone else consider that you were really active? |
+ |
m |
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176. |
Is your opinion of your abilities less than the facts warrant? |
+ |
m |
- |
177. |
Do your emotions sway your judgement much? |
+ |
m |
- |
178. |
If you lose an article do you get the idea that “someone must have stolen or mislaid it”? |
+ |
m |
- |
179. |
Are you opposed to the "probation system" for criminals? |