
The P-Test measures 10 important personality traits. The individual traits are measured within a range of -100 to +100. The results are divided into 4 zones:

Test results between -100 and -20 indicate that improvement is urgently needed.

Results from -20 to 0 indicate attention is needed.

Test results between 0 and +30 show characteristics which under normal circumstances are stable. These can, however, become unstable in difficult or high-stress situations.

Between +30 and +100 the personality traits are in a desirable range and are considered stable.

Individual traits are grouped into various catagories:

The Person Himself includes the traits A, B and C. These traits reflect the persons ability to BE. These characteristics reveal the persons image, zest for life, and success. These also show the ability to "start" new projects, or in general get things going.

The Persons Certainty, trait D, reflects reliability and certainty. This also indicates how sure the person is about his answers. Based on this, all trait results higher than the trait D are of limited value.

The Persons Work Area can be estimated by traits E, F and G. These reflect the person's ability to DO things. These show to what degree the person is able to carry out projects and keep them going.

Interpersonal Relationships are measured by traits H, I and J. These reflect how the person responds to others and interacts with them. The test results indicate the willingness to really communicate (exchange of ideas, thoughts, convictions, feelings and viewpoints), and the ability to handle others and get on with them.

Evaluation of Test Results: Each trait carries it's own meaning. However, the most important characteristics of the person can only be seen by evaluating the interplay of two or more traits. By comparing traits, conclusions regarding behaviour and ability can be drawn. For example, a critical person (H-), who is also self-confident (F+) and has a high stability level (A+) will be classed as an unpleasant "perfectionist". Add to this a deficiency in appreciation (I -) and a lack of responsibility (G-) and one would have a person who would be a definite liability in the work environment.

Individual Traits Explained:

A - Stable as opposed to Unstable, Dispersed:

Stable people distinguish themselves by being those who know what is expected of them. They know the challenges that daily life presents. An employee who does not understand the "rules of the game" is confused, unfocused and unstable. His margin of error is correspondingly high. A stable person has principles, is able to meet expectations, and methodically executes plans. Stable people tend to be able to rise to the occasion to meet unusually challenging situations. Stability includes the control of one's own thoughts and actions. Unstable individuals have a low level of self-control and are not able to make decisions. They are therefore easily influenced and tend to accept poor advice. Their thoughts are inconsistent, and their actions not thought through. They feel uncomfortable wherever they might be.

B - Happy as opposed to Depressed:
Ones zest for life comes from ones interest in life. A person who is happy, is also rich in ideas, and is open to new possibilities. One is mentally alert and interested, thinks positively and responds optimistically and goal oriented. One is vital and awake. And one has the strength of will to overcome obstacles. People with zest for life set themselves targets, and are usually able to achieve their goals. And that makes them happy. In contrast, a depressed person is introverted upon his or her own problems and has traded their interest in their goals for fixations on their failures. Their pessimism and lack of enthusiasm have a negative influence on effectivity on the job, and results in inter-personal problems. Colorfull and optimistic personalities usually attract others, while depressed people repell. This is especially important in the sales area.

C - Composed as opposed to Nervous:
A well balanced person has his or her work area under control. This reflects itself in a relaxed or composed attitude. A person who has mastered his trade, cannot easily be derailed, and can without difficulty hold his or her position. Such a person is usually brave, has him or herself under control, and is seldom surprised by unforseen occurrences. A negative test result indicates inner anxiety, worry, restlessness, poor concentration, and likelihood of exhaustion. The more nervous a person is, the faster he or she will tire at work, and suffer from stress.

D - Reliable/Certain as opposed to Undependable:
This trait reveals how certain the testee is of his or her answers. Can one rely on them, or does the testee continuelly change opinion. Does he or she change his position depending on the prevailing atmosphere? Are there contradicting test answers? Can one speak of a stable character? The D-Trait indicates to what degree the other traits maintain their full value. Traits that have a higher level, will need to be graded down to the level of the D-Trait. When the D-Trait is the highest value of all traits, one will find that the person is holding on to illusions. If the testee is not able to meet expectations, he or she will loose grip on things. When one has an extremely high D-Trait, is very active (E-Trait), and is simultaneously depressed (B-Trait) and dispersed (A-Trait), one can accurately predict that this person is heading straight for a nervous breakdown.

E - Active as opposed to Passive:
How dynamic and effective the applicant is, can be viewed int Trait E. Is he/she on the ball, or rather passive and sluggish? A high Activity test result should be accompanied by a similar avarage for the rest of the test traits. To determine if goals will be achieved, one must check if Trait-B is also in the positive zone. Reversely, when most test traits are in the positive zone, then Trait-E should also be positive.

F - Capable/Overt as opposed to Inhibited:
This trait can also be called "Open and Direct" or "Aggresive and Determined as opposed to Inhibited and weak". This trait indicates the effectivity of the applicant. When this trait result is high, and the other traits ares also relatively good, then one can refer to the person as energetic and effective. Such a person is sure of himself and has strong intention. When Trait - F is in the minus zone, the person is a wall flower who allows himself to be hindered, and regularly gives up.

G - Responsible as opposed to Irresponsible:
A lot of people misunderstand Responsibility as simply "duties". However, responsibility includes the question of how wide one is willing to stretch one's viewpoint. A responsible person looks at the entire picture, thinks logically, maintains an overview and is aware of the consequences of his actions. One is constructive, circumspectual and includes others in ones plans. One understands interplay seen within the big picture, while remaining an active player. One takes the initiative when things go wrong. A person with a reduced sence of responsibility views things purely from his own viewpoint. He does not see things from an overall viewpoint, but only sees his own immediate area of action, resulting in short sighted actions or just waiting it out. Such is self centered and regards critisism as personal affront.

H - Good judgment as opposed to Hypercritical:
Can the testee correctly estimate a situation? Can he/she recognise the standpoint of others? Can he/she tolerate a full spectrum of opinions? Oder does he/she have the need to bolster him/herself by criticizing others? People with a very low H-Trait command importance by criticizing without also helping. They offend others. Overly critical people are covering up their own insecurity. They concentrate on the negative and have preconceived opinions. They tend toward intolerant behavior. The need to criticize can go so far as to become a fixed pattern of behaviour that only sees the negative. Such people are hard to please and assess the efforts of others only against absolute standards.

I - Understanding as opposed to Detached:
Those who respect and appreciate others, are also able to overcome the social barriers to get a direct line to others. Such a person is appreciative, and owing to his empathy, finds it easy to recognise the needs of others. Others generally trust such a person. Those lower on the scale, are cold and distant, and find it hard to understand the feelings of others, while they themselves mask their own fixated and stressed emotions. These people get impatient with others quickly, and tend to be synical when confronted with the genuine emotions of others. They are mostly non-commital, have few friends and tend to inappropriately severe solutions.

J - Communicative as opposed to Introverted:
Communicative people find it easy to get their ideas and thoughts understood by others. They have no trouble making contacts or getting business partners. People who can excite, or who can get a team enthusiastic, have by experience a high J-Trait. However, there are also people who talk compulsively who would also have a high J-Trait, but are not really capable of sensible or meaningfull communication. Thus this trait must be considered along with the H- and I-Traits. Applicants for a sales position, receptionist or hostess should preferably have a test score of between +30 and +70.